Wow. So I pretty much suck at staying up to date with my blog. It's practically March and I'm just blogging about Christmas. Anyways, to catch everyone up on what's going on in my life I'd like to start it with the most amazing day of my life which was Friday last week! Why? Because the guy I had to work with at the registration office was finally fired on Friday! He only made my life extremely stressful for the past couple months! Walking around the office with pepper spray in my pocket gets old fast, let me tell you.
Ever since he was hired I've gotten this creepy molestor vibe from him and the sick thing is that he just applied to the education program to teach 2nd grade. When he told me I wanted to barf. I'm usually the only one who worked up at the front with him so I was basically the only one who heard his freaky views on religion, politics, and his “deep” morals and ideas. Long story short, he was a complete perv and everyone else at the office thought he was wonderful because they didn't have to actually work with him!
A blessing in disguise, he came to work high on something and while I was secretly giddy at the fact he showed up to work wasted, the whole office found out what a psyco he was! Oh, he completely flipped out! He would go back and forth to the bathroom every ten minutes and bring his coffee in with him to the bathroom, he would show up calm for about 5 minutes, freak out again, and then go back into the bathroom with his coffee. And that's just one of the many wierd stories.
Before he left he completely screwed with some students accounts, dropping a class here, adding a class there and so on. So far we've caught about 5 students accounts that he messed with so if he helped you within 2 weeks ago, come to me and I'll double check your account! Finally I am free!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
ATTENTION: Any students at Dixie who have been helped by the guy at the Registration Office the past 2 weeks!
Posted by Alex at 11:14 PM 6 comments
Christmas 2008
This is my attempt at a photo collage. Not too shabby! Stacie and Steph's always look ten time better though :)
Christmas was awesome as always! We spent the night at Will’s house and celebrated Christmas morning with the Bowen’s. Will and I had a hard time sleeping. Will was awake at 5:30 and was ready to open presents! Thanks to everyone for the sweet gifts! Will and I had pretty much given up on ever having a Wii, our new bookshelves look awesome as well as my new clock, and I love my cute shirt from Karen! I wear it often which you can probably tell by the sweat marks that I have already branded (ick). Although recieving gifts are always a plus, I'd have to say giving is much funner. My favorite gift that I gave was to my dad. When I was about 4 years old my mom made my dad what we call his "smoking jacket", which is really just a sexy way of saying loung jacket. Well, he has loved that jacket ever since and now about 17 years later he is still wearing the same jacket my mom made for him when I was 4. It has holes in the elbows, the inside lining is tattered and worn, and the batting was falling out of it! I decided to make him a new one which he has wanted since about 3 years ago. Finally I finished it. In the pic I didn't have it completely finished, but I made it from with what looked like dark green cordiroy with a green silk lining. It was a lot of hard work and being me, I held off until a week before christmas to start it. He loved it! He was so happy that he got a little teary eyed because he thought he would never get a new! It made me so happy to see him happy. I love my dad so much.
Posted by Alex at 10:41 PM 3 comments