Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Halloween!

At the office we all decided to dress up as villains and super heros for Halloween.  We had so much fun!  This is one of many photos we took.  Jamie was Captain Underpants, I was Robin Hood, TJ was the Grim Reaper and Haylie was a Crazed Doctor.  Ann's costume was pretty awesome! She was Malificent from Sleeping Beauty.  David (my boss) decided that we should all take a break from work and watch halloween movies in the office all day.  I work with such awesome people.  They really do make work fun! 


Stephanie Kelly said...

YAYYY WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF BLOGGING!!! I loveeee this pic by the way...I missss my Jamie!

Staci said...

heck yeah blog it! I cant remember if you told me youhad a blg or not.