Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Top Secret Mission

My two best friends Staci and Steph invited me to join in on a fun little escapade in dressing up for an all Silly Girls Unite photo shoot. The idea came from the two creators of Silly Girls Photography. They wanted tons of groups of girls all around the world to get together and do a silly girls photo shoot and then we would all share our awesome pictures! They had a voting poll where the groups voted on their favorite theme. Staci and Steph wanted Futuristic to win but Stripes & Polka Dots or Secret Agents won. So we did "Futuristic Secret Agents." Thanks to Staci and Steph we had AMAZING costumes via DI! Who knew you could find such sweet stuff! When Stephs in a DI she's like a kid in a candy store! They created a St. George group and got down to business with my afro that they both have been dying to do. So, while they worked on my fabulous fro, I got down to business on discovering my saucy inner secret agent....GinJet!

The Omega Force

Specializes in: Persuasion, Sex appeal, and the Thigh Squeeze

Scooti Manista
Intelligence Commander
Specializes in: Technology, Linguiststics, and Problem Solving

Chi Eekway
Specializes in: Flexibility, Jujitsu, and Masters in Ninja training.

European Chemical Engineer
with built in mammary canons
Specializes in:
Pyrotechnics, and Bomb making

Specializes in: Leadership, Intimidation,
& every fight training imaginable

Bonjella Lefavre
Mad Scientist of all that is evil & will one day rule the World

"This WORLD will be MINE"


Rachel and Jake Squire said...


Stephanie Kelly said...

This was SO-MUCH-FUN! And I cant wait to do it again!

Karen and Mike said...

Alex, you are crazy! And I mean that in a good way. Those picts are hilarious. And you look HOT!

cariesthoughts said...

Love them!!


I'm still mad at you! ;D You're so freaking hott!

Trevor Heidi McCoy said...

Ok I just have to comment on this one. I can't beleive how crazy and exciting you guys are. Props on the creativity!

Kim Beckstead Cooper said...

I totaly had to show steve the mamary cannons!! Fabuloso!

emily+brett said...

modelesque is all i have to say. you look bomb shell and as crazy as it sounds i think you should do your hair like that sometime. i actually really think it looks hot. abviously you would have to pair it with the right our fit but to be honest i would wear the outfit you are wearing in the shoot. no joke!

The Colvins said...

Alex, those pictures are too funny. I love the afro on could be a model for real!